So how did we get here you ask?

Well it all started when after our Founder Chris White fell down the “Bourbon Rabbit Hole” and really liked the idea of having bottles for certain occasions as many enthusiasts do. The problem then became trying to find bottles with specific dates: “Even though there were many small lists or in search of posts on various forms of social media a consolidated list of what everyone has or was looking for was nowhere to be found” he said. His main search was to find a bottle to memorialize a daughter the family had lost “I had literally looked basically everywhere and then randomly on a sale post, from England no less!” He laughs “I saw the bottle date I was looking for tucked behind the green and gold versions he was selling’’. “The truly serendipitous part of this story is I was hunting for a specific date for someone else who had just lost a child and I knew time was of the essence or it would make it even harder to find.”

Bourbon Dump Date was created to help people in similar situations, be it a loss or a birthday, wedding, graduation or anything in between BDD wants to help you find the bottle you are looking for!